This is an OFFICIAL SCSQAA Blogsite!
© 2008 Zyx @ Seh Chuan Shuqun Alumni Association

Monday, August 20, 2007

SQPS Alumni Gathering Lunch 2007

Here is the Slideshow of the photos taken on the 11th March 2007, during our SQPS ALumni Gathering Lunch 2007.

Enjoy! Find yourselves and friends, teachers or even Principals, in there!!!

Trip down your Memory Lane...

Take a trip down your memory lane.

Click here to download this PowerPoint Presentation shown on the day of Alumni Gathering Lunch 2007.

If the above link does not work properly, please kindly copy and paste the URL below into your own browser.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Points to note for all Ex-students....

Points to note for all Ex-students....

For ex-pupils who will be coming back to Shuqun Primary School

As part of our safety measures, protecting the our pupils, here are some of the points we all have to adhere to. This is to prevent any unwanted people who are not ex-Shuqunites to come into the school... putting our pupils at risk...

[for all pupils who are still studying]

1)Category A - Ex-pupils (studying in Secondary School)
2)Category B - Ex-pupils (studying in Tertiery Institution, e.g. Singapore Polytechnic, NTU, NUS)
3)Category C - Ex-pupils (who are already working)

Category A - Ex-pupils (studying in Secondary School)

Please note that, at any occasions, when you need or wish to come back to Shuqun Primary School, you are always required to : -

- in you current school uniform
- be neat
- informed any teacher of your visit.

Category B - Ex-pupils (studying in Tertiery Institution, e.g. Singapore Polytechnic, NTU, NUS)

Please note that, at any occasions, when you need to or wish to come back to Shuqun Primary School, you are required to : -

- register yourself at the gate where the security guard will need you to leave your details.
- informed any teacher of your visit.

Category C - Ex-pupils (who are already working)

- You are encouraged to come back to our school, but you will also need to contact us (Mdm Tan Siow Cheng or Miss Zeng Yingxu), so that we will have someone available to attend to you.

*** Please adhere to the points mentioned above.
*** Wishing you have a pleasant visit back in Shuqun Primary School.